In the new age of industrial hemp, and in order to benefit both people and the planet, there is a great need for is a great need for hemp education in a wide range of communities.
Our vision is to create and adapt curriculum and to plan and deliver academic and engaging platforms to educate these communities about the exceptional attributes of hemp and its bi-products. While primarily focusing on cannabidiol (CBD) for health and wellness, emphasis shall be given to hemp as a solution to Global Warming and economic development.
Our mission is to take our educational outreach from the local and national level and extend it to developing countries targeting sustainability and a cleaner greener future for all.
Program Description
For thousands of years, humankind has relied on the bountiful benefits of one plant in particular: hemp. A member of the cannabis family, and dating back to 10,000+ B.C., the first hemp fibers were discovered in what we now know as eastern Europe. It is believed that this was the first plant ever to be cultivated as a crop for purposes other than human consumption. Why? As we began to build communities and create social order, we began to collaboratively migrate for purposes of survival and progress as a societal species. In order to move, we need to carry items for key survival: oil, grains, water. Soon later, the first items of clothing which survived millennia and not derived from animal skins were found to all be woven from hemp. Fast forward to the age of travel by land and then sea, and we find that nearly all rope was crafted from durable hemp fiber. Sails, paper, seed for oils and seeds for omega proteins and fatty acids…and then biodegradable plastics!
Here in the U.S, we are only recently rediscovering the gift of this most remarkable plant. Along with the previously noted uses for hemp, there are in fact many, many more. Most importantly, the discovery of the Endocannabinoid receptor system in both humans and animals has brought hemp to the forefront of our awareness. The process of learning about and understanding the complimentary phytocannabinoid plant system in cannabis and how this integrates into the human and animal systems, and then testing the health benefits is just underway in research universities and labs across the globe. Welcome to the new frontier!
Our vision is to create and adapt curriculum and to plan and deliver academic and engaging platforms to educate these communities about the exceptional attributes of hemp and its bi-products. While primarily focusing on cannabidiol (CBD) for health and wellness, emphasis shall be given to hemp as a solution to Global Warming and economic development.
Our mission is to take our educational outreach from the local and national level and extend it to developing countries targeting sustainability and a cleaner greener future for all.
Program Description
For thousands of years, humankind has relied on the bountiful benefits of one plant in particular: hemp. A member of the cannabis family, and dating back to 10,000+ B.C., the first hemp fibers were discovered in what we now know as eastern Europe. It is believed that this was the first plant ever to be cultivated as a crop for purposes other than human consumption. Why? As we began to build communities and create social order, we began to collaboratively migrate for purposes of survival and progress as a societal species. In order to move, we need to carry items for key survival: oil, grains, water. Soon later, the first items of clothing which survived millennia and not derived from animal skins were found to all be woven from hemp. Fast forward to the age of travel by land and then sea, and we find that nearly all rope was crafted from durable hemp fiber. Sails, paper, seed for oils and seeds for omega proteins and fatty acids…and then biodegradable plastics!
Here in the U.S, we are only recently rediscovering the gift of this most remarkable plant. Along with the previously noted uses for hemp, there are in fact many, many more. Most importantly, the discovery of the Endocannabinoid receptor system in both humans and animals has brought hemp to the forefront of our awareness. The process of learning about and understanding the complimentary phytocannabinoid plant system in cannabis and how this integrates into the human and animal systems, and then testing the health benefits is just underway in research universities and labs across the globe. Welcome to the new frontier!
Hemp and the Cannabinoid Systems
Although hemp has been part of human history for over 10,000 years, it started getting controversially mixed up with its psychoactive cousin in the early 1900s. With synthetic plastic, tree paper, and petroleum oil industries growing in popularity, political winds turned against defenseless hemp.
The origin of this controversy in the US can be traced back to 1930, when the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) was founded. Originally, the Bureau focused its attention on opium and cocaine, dismissing any concerns about cannabis. However, by 1932, attention soon turned to cannabis and the FBN commissioner launched a 5 year crusade to pass a bill that would restrict both marijuana and hemp.
Hemp was widely used for purposes of food, clothing, and paper. During times of war, hemp was even considered an essential resource, as it was the source of the strongest ropes and sails.
Yet, all of that changed in the 1930s. Political winds shifted against cannabis and somehow hemp got grouped into the mix. Reviewing why this happened, we come to learn that confusion between the two plants was intentionally contrived by our industry and political leaders at the time. Sadly, their corrupt motives led to an innocent plant’s slow demise and prohibition that still continues today.
Nobody can be sure why Harry Anslinger, the FBN commissioner, was fighting so obsessively against cannabis (nor why he included hemp, instead of just marijuana, in the bill). Psychoactive cannabis (“marijuana”) was relatively obscure in the public eye and hemp was still a domestic crop at the time. It’s hard to even find any records of public issues regarding marijuana, so much so that when Anslinger was trying to generate public sympathy around this bill, the FBN often received letters stating “Your article was the first time I ever heard of marihuana”.
Considering the public sentiment at the time, we can assume that marijuana (and the larger cannabis family) was not even remotely a national or public concern. What we do know is that Anslinger was the nephew-in-law to Secretary of Treasure Andrew Mellon, a banker who was financing the growing petro-chemical dynasty of the Du Ponts. It was later to be found that Mellon had personally created Ansligner’s position.
Eventually, Anslinger prevailed in his crusade. His continued lobbying efforts led to the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937, which levied taxes on all cannabis including hemp. This raised plenty of protests at the time.
The National Oil Seed Institute pointed out “The seed of hemp is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeal. Millions of people everyday are using hemp seed as food. They have been doing that for many generations, especially in periods of famine.” Farmers, hemp paper companies, hemp chemical corporations all raised their objections of the heavy tax that would cripple their company and industry. Yet, to no avail, the bill was passed by fall of 1937.
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
Nobody can deny that the popularity and demand of marijuana is exponentially bigger than hemp as of today. Marijuana organizations such as NORML are much bigger and better organized than that any of the hemp organizations. So as the movement for marijuana legalization grew, hemp activists tended to tag along. In a sense, this also facilitated in opening doors for hemp.
But this also came with a side effect. The general public continued to perceive hemp as the same thing as marijuana – or just as some bastard child of psychoactive cannabis.
To make matters worse, many cannabis groups also started to use the term “hemp” in their brand names and marketing. Let’s take two of the biggest cannabis festivals in the US: Seattle’s HempFest and San Francisco’s HempCon Festival.
Both these festivals are geared mainly towards medical, psychoactive cannabis (“marijuana”). So when the general public sees the billboards for these events or reads a promotional ad online, it’s easy for them to think “Hemp = Marijuana”. So in the eyes of the public, where marijuana still carries a negative stigma, hemp is one and the same.
The distinction between hemp and marijuana can be made in multiple ways. At the end of the day, all these reasons show that hemp cannot be grown with or near marijuana, nor can it be used in similar ways.
The main difference between the two is in its chemical composition, specifically in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical responsible marijuana’s psychological effects.
An average batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5–20% THC content. Some premium marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC. Hemp, on the other hand, has a max THC level of 0.3%, essentially making it impossible to feel any psychoactive effect or get a “high”. This threshold is heavily regulated in countries that allow the cultivation and production of hemp. Hemp also typically has high cannabidiol (CBD) content that acts as THC’s antagonist, essentially making the minimal amount of THC useless.
This raised plenty of protests at the time. The National Oil Seed Institute pointed out “The seed of [hemp] is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeals. Millions of people everyday are using hemp seed as food. They have been doing that for many generations, especially in periods of famine.” Farmers, hemp paper companies, hemp chemical corporations all raised their objections of the heavy tax that would cripple their company and industry. Yet, to no avail, the bill was passed by fall of 1937.
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
The environment in which hemp and marijuana are grown is strikingly different. Hemp is grown closely together (as close as 4 inches apart) and are typically grown in large multi-acre plots. It can also grow in variety of climates and its growth cycle is 108-120 days.
Unlike hemp, marijuana requires a carefully controlled, warm, and humid atmosphere for proper growth. Its growth cycle only 60-90 days. Medical cannabis also cannot be grown too close to each other. They are typically grown 6 feet apart.
If, somehow, marijuana grows among (or close to) a hemp field, the hemp’s pollen would immediately ruin the marijuana crop, diluting marijuana’s psychoactivity.
In its application, hemp and marijuana serve completely different purposes. Marijuana, as it is widely known, is used for medicinal or recreational purposes. Hemp is used in variety of other applications that marijuana couldn’t possibly be used in. These include healthy food, beauty skin products, clothing, paper, and other everyday products. Overall, hemp is known to have over 25,000 possible applications.
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
There are two main cultivars of the hemp plant: One grows tall and very close together and is cultivated for the fiber which has historically been used to make rope, canvas, paper, and other textile materials. It can also be grown for seeds, which are rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. These are consumed by humans as well as animals, and the oil from the seeds can be used for lamps, varnish, and cooking among other things. This oil contains no cannabidiol. The other main hemp cultivar grows shorter and bushier and is cultivated for the flowers which contain terpenes, flavonoids and cannabinoids including CBD.
Hemp and the Cannabinoid Systems
Although hemp has been part of human history for over 10,000 years, it started getting controversially mixed up with its psychoactive cousin in the early 1900s. With synthetic plastic, tree paper, and petroleum oil industries growing in popularity, political winds turned against defenseless hemp.
The origin of this controversy in the US can be traced back to 1930, when the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) was founded. Originally, the Bureau focused its attention on opium and cocaine, dismissing any concerns about cannabis. However, by 1932, attention soon turned to cannabis and the FBN commissioner launched a 5 year crusade to pass a bill that would restrict both marijuana and hemp.
Hemp was widely used for purposes of food, clothing, and paper. During times of war, hemp was even considered an essential resource, as it was the source of the strongest ropes and sails.
Yet, all of that changed in the 1930s. Political winds shifted against cannabis and somehow hemp got grouped into the mix. Reviewing why this happened, we come to learn that confusion between the two plants was intentionally contrived by our industry and political leaders at the time. Sadly, their corrupt motives led to an innocent plant’s slow demise and prohibition that still continues today.
Nobody can be sure why Harry Anslinger, the FBN commissioner, was fighting so obsessively against cannabis (nor why he included hemp, instead of just marijuana, in the bill). Psychoactive cannabis (“marijuana”) was relatively obscure in the public eye and hemp was still a domestic crop at the time. It’s hard to even find any records of public issues regarding marijuana, so much so that when Anslinger was trying to generate public sympathy around this bill, the FBN often received letters stating “Your article was the first time I ever heard of marihuana”.
Considering the public sentiment at the time, we can assume that marijuana (and the larger cannabis family) was not even remotely a national or public concern. What we do know is that Anslinger was the nephew-in-law to Secretary of Treasure Andrew Mellon, a banker who was financing the growing petro-chemical dynasty of the Du Ponts. It was later to be found that Mellon had personally created Ansligner’s position.
Eventually, Anslinger prevailed in his crusade. His continued lobbying efforts led to the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act in 1937, which levied taxes on all cannabis including hemp. This raised plenty of protests at the time.
The National Oil Seed Institute pointed out “The seed of hemp is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeal. Millions of people everyday are using hemp seed as food. They have been doing that for many generations, especially in periods of famine.” Farmers, hemp paper companies, hemp chemical corporations all raised their objections of the heavy tax that would cripple their company and industry. Yet, to no avail, the bill was passed by fall of 1937.
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
Nobody can deny that the popularity and demand of marijuana is exponentially bigger than hemp as of today. Marijuana organizations such as NORML are much bigger and better organized than that any of the hemp organizations. So as the movement for marijuana legalization grew, hemp activists tended to tag along. In a sense, this also facilitated in opening doors for hemp.
But this also came with a side effect. The general public continued to perceive hemp as the same thing as marijuana – or just as some bastard child of psychoactive cannabis.
To make matters worse, many cannabis groups also started to use the term “hemp” in their brand names and marketing. Let’s take two of the biggest cannabis festivals in the US: Seattle’s HempFest and San Francisco’s HempCon Festival.
Both these festivals are geared mainly towards medical, psychoactive cannabis (“marijuana”). So when the general public sees the billboards for these events or reads a promotional ad online, it’s easy for them to think “Hemp = Marijuana”. So in the eyes of the public, where marijuana still carries a negative stigma, hemp is one and the same.
The distinction between hemp and marijuana can be made in multiple ways. At the end of the day, all these reasons show that hemp cannot be grown with or near marijuana, nor can it be used in similar ways.
The main difference between the two is in its chemical composition, specifically in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the chemical responsible marijuana’s psychological effects.
An average batch of marijuana contains anywhere from 5–20% THC content. Some premium marijuana can have up to 25-30% THC. Hemp, on the other hand, has a max THC level of 0.3%, essentially making it impossible to feel any psychoactive effect or get a “high”. This threshold is heavily regulated in countries that allow the cultivation and production of hemp. Hemp also typically has high cannabidiol (CBD) content that acts as THC’s antagonist, essentially making the minimal amount of THC useless.
This raised plenty of protests at the time. The National Oil Seed Institute pointed out “The seed of [hemp] is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeals. Millions of people everyday are using hemp seed as food. They have been doing that for many generations, especially in periods of famine.” Farmers, hemp paper companies, hemp chemical corporations all raised their objections of the heavy tax that would cripple their company and industry. Yet, to no avail, the bill was passed by fall of 1937.
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
The environment in which hemp and marijuana are grown is strikingly different. Hemp is grown closely together (as close as 4 inches apart) and are typically grown in large multi-acre plots. It can also grow in variety of climates and its growth cycle is 108-120 days.
Unlike hemp, marijuana requires a carefully controlled, warm, and humid atmosphere for proper growth. Its growth cycle only 60-90 days. Medical cannabis also cannot be grown too close to each other. They are typically grown 6 feet apart.
If, somehow, marijuana grows among (or close to) a hemp field, the hemp’s pollen would immediately ruin the marijuana crop, diluting marijuana’s psychoactivity.
In its application, hemp and marijuana serve completely different purposes. Marijuana, as it is widely known, is used for medicinal or recreational purposes. Hemp is used in variety of other applications that marijuana couldn’t possibly be used in. These include healthy food, beauty skin products, clothing, paper, and other everyday products. Overall, hemp is known to have over 25,000 possible applications.
- Chemical makeup
- Cultivation Environment
- Applications & Benefits
Hemp’s misfortunes didn’t end there. The full out prohibition of hemp finally came in 1970, when president Richard Nixon declared “War on Drugs”. Somehow, hemp ended up getting included as a Schedule 1 Drug – they claimed it as dangerous as heroin and LSD!
There are two main cultivars of the hemp plant: One grows tall and very close together and is cultivated for the fiber which has historically been used to make rope, canvas, paper, and other textile materials. It can also be grown for seeds, which are rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. These are consumed by humans as well as animals, and the oil from the seeds can be used for lamps, varnish, and cooking among other things. This oil contains no cannabidiol. The other main hemp cultivar grows shorter and bushier and is cultivated for the flowers which contain terpenes, flavonoids and cannabinoids including CBD.

The discovery of the Endocannabinoid receptor system in the late 1990's, which is found in both humans and animals, has brought hemp to the forefront of our awareness. The process of learning about and understanding the complimentary phytocannabinoid plant system in cannabis and how this integrates into the human and animal systems, and then testing the health benefits is just underway in research universities and labs across the globe.
The discovery of the Endocannabinoid receptor system in the late 1990's, which is found in both humans and animals, has brought hemp to the forefront of our awareness. The process of learning about and understanding the complimentary phytocannabinoid plant system in cannabis and how this integrates into the human and animal systems, and then testing the health benefits is just underway in research universities and labs across the globe.